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Thursday, August 1, 2013

How to Make Money Creating Teaser Blogs

Teaser blogs are snippets of blogs, typically leads, that pique the reader's interest, and that are placed on multiple websites to entice as many readers as possible to click through to the full blog post. The trick to making money creating teaser blogs is that the page that the full blog is posted on contains advertisements for companies that pay a small amount for either each view of or each click on the advertisement. Though this is usually no more than $0.05 each, when hundreds of people per day see an ad or click on one, the total amount of money for the writer of the blog can add up significantly. If you're a skilled writer and have some knowledge of how Internet traffic and e-commerce work, read the following steps to learn how to make money creating teaser blogs.


Writing Blogs and Teasers

  1. 1
    Create your own blog. There are a number of user-friendly sites that are free, such as Wordpress and Blogger, where you can start your own blog.
    • Remember to link your other social networking accounts, and your website if you have one, to your blog to encourage people to visit it.
    • When choosing a title for your blog, make sure it's both catchy and expresses what your blog is about.
  2. 2
    Create blog posts. Blog posts are short articles, typically between 200 and 500 words, and can be on any topic you choose. To attract readers, it's best to choose subjects that are useful, entertaining or informative and that you possess adequate expertise to write about authoritatively. Your goal is to generate interest and attract as many readers as possible.
  3. 3
    Sign up for affiliate accounts with affiliate programs. Affiliate programs are advertising programs organized by companies, in which an affiliate receives a payment for every view of or click on an advertisement for the company. Choose affiliate programs that advertise products related to the topics you wish to write about.
    • Choosing advertisements related to your topic increases the chances that readers will be interested enough to view and click the ads.
  4. 4
    Download the advertisements from each company's affiliate page. Choose which you want to add to your blog page and add them by following the blog site's instructions. Link the advertisements to the appropriate websites by typing the link into the field provided to add a hyperlink. Click on the "Publish" button on your blog to see if all advertisements are displayed correctly, then test the links by clicking on each advertisement to see if it takes you to the desired page.
  5. 5
    Find websites that allow you to post teaser blogs. Blogcarnival is a site that allows you to post teasers, and you can also post teasers on other bloggers' websites and on social networking sites. Look for sites that offer other blog teasers and excerpts, or sites that allow you to post comments for free.
    • Make sure the sites don't require content to be unique, meaning it's only published on 1 website. This way, you can use 1 teaser blog for as many sites as you like to generate maximum traffic.
  6. 6
    Select the "teaser" part of your blog by copying it and posting it on the websites of your choice, like Blogcarnival. Follow the site's instructions on how to post if you need help. The teaser should be 1 or 2 lines from your blog that indicate what the blog is about and intrigue a reader so that he clicks on the link to read the full article.

Generating Revenue

  1. 1
    Build traffic. Traffic is key to making money creating teaser blogs. The best way to generate it is by publishing a lot of blog posts and using keywords that people search for on the Internet. This will enhance the chances of readers selecting your blog post when they're looking for information.
    • You can find out what keywords are popular by generating a word search on Google Adwords to find out how often they're searched. Use words that relate to your blogs.
  2. 2
    Concentrate on the best paying advertisers and the ones people click through to most. The companies that pay best are the ones that offer the highest amount per view or per click. You can review the pay amount, as well as the number of visitors to a site by checking your account information on each company's affiliate page. This way, you're maximizing the time you spend on selecting topics to write about and pages to link to.
  3. 3
    Wait for income to generate. Though you might see some income in your first month, you'll probably have to blog for at least 6 months to see any real returns.
  4. 4
    Increase traffic to your blogs by writing posts on other bloggers' websites and signing up for blog community sites. Networking with other bloggers is a great way to generate more visitors, as bloggers often exchange links to send traffic to each other websites.

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